Segreta Dinner (Secret Dinner) at Gelateria Gentile in Williamsburg

Segreta Dinner (Secret Dinner) at Gelateria Gentile in Williamsburg

Indoor events

Celebrate the best of Italian Gelato in a festive and unforgettable atmosphere!

Segreta Dinner (Secret Dinner) at Gelateria Gentile in Williamsburg

Event highlights:

  • Enjoy goodies from a Super Gelato” Menu created exclusively for this special occasion, with gelato, panettone and coffee
  • Admire a stunning table inspired by the magic of a silver and chocolate Christmas
  • The first 10 members to register will receive a special gift from Clubhunts and Espresso!
  • Choose a time slot that fits your schedule. – Make sure you put “Untapped” in your name so the organizers know you’re with us

About this event:

The Secret Dinner started in Italy with the aim of gathering strangers around the table in unique locations. Dinners aim to create new connections between people. This Saturday, December 14th event is the first Supper Segrata event in New York City, and Untapped New York members are being invited!

  • Make sure you put “Unexploited” in your name. so that the organizers know that you are with us!

How do I register for this event?

If you are not yet a member, I become one today at the Insider level or higher to attend in-person events like this!

If you’re an Insider, Explorer or an untapped New York Superfan, simply log in to your account. using the round, pink icon in the lower right corner of this screen. Once logged in, click the ‘Book Here’ button to book this event! Please note that registration opens at 12:00 PM ET 14 days prior to the event date.

How many tickets can I book?

If you are an Insider member ($20/month), you can reserve 1 ticket to this event. Explorer ($30/month) or Superfan ($100/month) level members can reserve 2 tickets. If you’re a Support or Enthusiast member but want to participate, it’s easy to upgrade your account Here!

You can’t sign in to your account. Insiders?

Please make sure you are trying to sign in with the correct email address. If you have multiple email addresses, try signing in with all of them, this will solve this problem 99% of the time. See Us FAQ for videos and more help documents.

In-person tours may have limited capacity and are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

But don’t worry! Sometimes places open up closer to the event date if there are cancellations. We also repeat our most popular events when possible so you have another opportunity to join us. There are also several other weekly members-only events you can join!

What if I need to cancel?

If you cancel more than 24 hours before the scheduled event, you will receive a 100% refund. Please be kind to your colleagues. from inside and let us know if you can no longer attend so we can offer your place. another person.

To cancel your booking, click ‘Cancel Booking’ in the booking confirmation email you received. The confirmation email was sent from [email protected]

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