L’Allemagne announces a vast international police operation against cyber platforms

L’Allemagne announced mercredi avoir participat avec 15 alte pays à une opération de police to disable platforms on the line, which proposed mener des cyberattacks.

La Police Criminelle Federale Germane stated in an operation statement “Stop“, coordinated by Europol, avait eu lieu cette semaen. capacité The police added that 27 of these DDoS services, including four hosted in Germany, were offline.

Elle also affirmed that three alleged administrators of these platforms were arrested in Germany and France and that around 300 of their users were identified.

According to the German federal police, the use of such services to proceed with DDoS attacks is more and more widespread. There are no names of cibles des platforme dismantled this week, she points out that “les motivations des cybercriminels derrière les attaques DDoS variant“.”These are, in particular, industrial sabotage and financier profit-seeking, concealment of other cyber-attacks and political motivations.“, he notes in police allemande.