Le group Vidymed touché par un cyberattacke


Malgré l’incident, les consultations ont pu se poursuive. (pretext image)Keystone

In the canton of Vaud, the Vidymed group was the subject of a “computer intrusion” detected on Saturday morning. A crisis cell has been set up. Les consultations se poursuivient, however, normally.

“Nous avem pris des mesures dès upon the discovery of the incident to preserve and protect the integrity of the infrastructures,” Vidymed announced in the soirée in a statement.

A crisis cell that gathers, including at the direction of the group, of the cantonal command staff, the cantonal cybersecurity intervention force and the vaudois department of Santé and de l’Action sociale. a été mise sur pied «en raison des consequencias potentiales de cette situation sur le système de santé cantonal», pursued le document.

The computer system out of service

“All les services informatiques have been suspended for couper court à alla fuite de data”

A password holder by Vidymed

Accordingly, le medical personnel doit momentanément recourir au papier-stylo rather qu’à l’ordinateur pour saisir les informations relativents aux patients.

Pour le reste, the medical premiums continue to be the same, insists the group. “The situation is under control car nous avons reagi assez tôt», he added to the spokesperson, stressing that a report of all emergencies towards the CHUV would be problematic.

Ample à determination

Deep analysis techniques are underway to determine the extent and consequences of this attack. The Vidymed group engages in transparent communication and new information emergessecure it.

Les quatre centers Vidymed represent around 100,000 consultations every year in the Lausanne region. Le groupe compte des centers médicaux d’urgences à Epalinges, ainsi qu’à Lausanne on the sites of Vidy and La Source. This is a pediatric center of Vidy. (sda/ats)

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